As part of continued efforts to ensure the adoption of technologically based teaching and learning methods in Schools, CBZ Holdings donated 10 Computers to Daramombe High School on the sidelines of the Mission School’s Annual Speech and Prize Giving Ceremony. Speaking at the event CBZ Holdings Group Chief Executive Officer Never Nyemudzo, who was the guest of Honour, said Technology is redefining and reshaping the way we do things, including the delivery of education in schools He added that ICT can be used effectively to improve the delivery of education through lowering costs and providing wider access thus providing extraordinary opportunities for enhancement of educational systems particularly for the underprivileged.
Never ended his Speech but quoting American Author Isaac Asimov who said I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them, saying with schools such as Daramombe having already embraced ICTs, the major threat to the teaching and learning environment now becomes the failure to invest in the educational ICT infrastructure. He urged all stakeholders to come up with collaborations and interventions that allow the schools to invest in ICT in order to take advantage of the above mentioned benefits.
Daramombe Mission also unveiled a brand new school bus on the day that was financed by CBZ Bank.